Giornate sulla didattica della chimica

     Chi ne ha la possibilità ne approfitti. Per la prima volta si terranno in Italia, a Roma, le conferenze congiunte della IUPAC e dell’EuCheMS. Si svolgeranno presso l’Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” dal 15 al 20 luglio 2012 e affronteranno le tematiche della formazione e del processo di insegnamento-apprendimento in chimica. Partecipano anche diversi docenti piemontesi di scuola secondaria e dell’Università, conosciuti in ambito scolastico. Tra i tanti partecipanti: Harold Kroto, premio Nobel nel 1996, con Robert Curl e Richard Smalley, per la scoperta del fullerene.

Riporto la lettera di benvenuto di Luigi Campanella (Professore Ordinario di Chimica Analitica dal 1981 e poi di Chimica dell’ambiente e dei Beni Culturali. Preside di Facolta’ di Sciencze MFN de La Sapienza dal 1988 al 1994. Presidente della Soc.Chim.Ital)., agli interessati e ai partecipanti.


On behalf of the Italian Chemical Society and of its President prof. Vincenzo

Barone, it is an honour, a privilege and a pleasure to invite you to Rome in July

2012 on the occasion of the ICCE and ECRICE conference. For the first time, the

two major conferences on Chemical Education will join under the same roof,

that of Rome, the eternal City: we are really proud for this and we will do our best

to ensure full success of the event and a wonderful Italian trip of all the conveners.

Chemical Education is constantly undergoing major changes and developments

which are also connected to the changing role of Chemistry in Society and the

way this science is perceived; as it always more becomes a Science where

social, scientific, cultural and didactic aspects interact with each other and with

other emerging disciplines such as Museology, Ethics, Communication Science.

We hope that the Rome Conference will be remembered in the future for its contribution

to the growth of the quality in Chemical Education. We are working hard to assemble a

high-level scientific program as well as setting up working, living and leisure conditions

suitable to make ICCECRICE 2012 a memorable event.

I am sure that you will like to be part of it.

See you in Rome!

Luigi Campanella

SCI Past President

Conference Chairman

Dear participants

As Chairman of our Conference and as Director of Chemistry Museum of our

University I invite you during the period of your staying in Rome for ICCE ECRICE 2012

to visit our Museum. You can find some precious cases of old instruments and some

particular pieces of old traditional chemistry. The most important instrumental methods

of chemical analysis are represented starting from chromatography and passing to

spectroscopy, X-ray, NMR techniques. A collection of old reagents, dyes and glassery

is also exposed. The Museum will be open daily waiting for you on all days (from

Monday 16th to Friday 20th July) at 9hr-18hr. The Museum is located inside University

campus in the Chemistry Department at ground floor.

If some of you is also interested in visiting some labs of our Department please

don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll do the best to satisfy your request. Our Department

of Chemistry is one of the most scientifically complete as any field and branch of

Chemistry I can say it is represented.

Thanks and welcome.

Luigi Campanella

Per saperne di più e scaricare il programma dell’evento:


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